Hallicrafters S 38E Schematic
LINK ->>> https://geags.com/2tk8jD
A friend recently sent me someHallicrafters literature that explains how to add an S-meter to theS-38 and several other Hallicrafters models. Our resident engineer, WalterHeskes, tried out the project, and provided an updated schematic.Check out our S-38 S-meter page forconstruction details.
After the recapping was finished, the radio played quite well, but the volumewas still weak. Looking for the source of the problem, I tested the voltagesof each tube, comparing them to the values given in the schematic. I alsotested the volume control's resistance. Everything checked out OK, so Itried another shot of DeOxit inside the volume control.
To print, save on your hard drive by right clicking on the image and selecting \"save image as\". Then print the schematic from an image editing program (MS Paint, Adobe, Imaging, etc). Its is not recommended to print from your browser.
S-36S-36 The S-36 covers the \"Ultra High Frequencies\" according to the front panel logo (27.8 to 143 Mhz) in 3 bands AM or FM. IF 5250kHz. It was used during the World War II era and later to monitor the frequency spectrum now called VHF. The British also used this series of receivers to monitor some of the German radars. The front end uses three acorn tubes, the 954, 955, and 956. The schematics are listed in Riders. As can be seen, this model has the schematic factory mounted inside the top cover. Priced at $415 in December 1945 Allied Radio ad in Radio News. Similar to S-27 and ARR-5. Production Year 1942. See also links 1 and 2 Supplementary photosqa 59ce067264